just rings

Violaine Ulmer

Objective: To learn different techniques for shaping ceramic rings. And just rings!

A ring can be a piece of jewellery, a sculpture, or something in between. It’s up to you to find the right place for it.

The course focuses on different approaches to making porcelain rings. It’s fairly technical in nature, so you’ll learn the ‘how-to’ – but it’s up to you to express it in architectural, baroque or playful ways.

This course is aimed at anyone who has practised ceramics. Complementary to the ‘Essentials‘  course.

During this course, we will be focusing on the manufacture of ceramic rings.

The aim will be to understand the ceramic material and its direct applications to rings (ring sizes, shrinkage, drying management….).

We will then look at the different ways of making ring bodies and heads, using modelling and casting techniques. The making of signet rings will be a highlight of the course.

The pieces will be glazed, providing an opportunity to learn about finishing, glazing and firing techniques.


The programme described above takes place over 4 days (28 hours).


680 euros

The price includes the use of ceramic workshops, raw materials, high-temperature firing and a wide range of documentation: technical reference works, specialist catalogues and magazines, art books.

Accommodation is not included, but is available on site or in the village and surrounding area.


27. > 30. June 2025

To find out about the following dates, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on our Facebook page


Practical details

6 participants maximum in order to be fully available for everyone.

Times: 10am – 6pm, with a short lunch break.

The studios are open between 8am and 10am and between 5pm and 8pm if students wish to continue working independently.

A wide range of documentation is available, including technical reference works, specialist catalogues and magazines, and art books.